- Banking and Finance
- Claims and damages
- Financial Services Act
- Insolvency
- Debt collection
- Corporate law
- Law of obligations
- Economic Crimes
- Financial Criminal Law
- Labour law
- Rent Law
- Administrative Law
- Compensation for loss
- Sports law
- Construction Law
- Llitigation / Procedural law
- Property law
Law firm RHJ Koopmans is registered at the Netherlands Bar in the following legal areas: Labour Law, Finance Law, Enterprise Law and Contract Law. Mr RHJ Koopmans is also practising in other areas as a general practitioner such as Liability Law, Insolvency Law, Debt Collection, Rent Law, Administrative Law, Construction and Real Estate Law and Property Law. He is also litigating, both in first instance as in appeal.
Mr. R.H.J. Koopmans is not acting before the Supreme Court. Neither is he engaged in matters of criminal law, immigration law or divorces.