
Lawfirm RHJ Koopmans has its registered office in Groenekan, municipality of De Bilt, near Utrecht, The Netherlands.
The office makes use of the office facilities of The Office Operators (TOO) and is domiciled in the “Vogelstruys” Building near subway station Bullewijk at Hullenbergweg 280, 1101 BV Amsterdam.
Visit there only by prior arrangement. By using the facilities of TOO the office is very flexible. Appointments can therefore be easily made elsewhere in the Netherlands wherever TOO has office facilities. Appointments can optionally also be made outside office hours or at your premises or other locations.
Mr. R.H.J. Koopmans is a member of the Royal Netherlands Association of International Law, of the Dutch Royal Association on Trade Law, the Dutch Restructuring Association, the Dutch Association for Sport and Law and of the Amsterdam Bar and the Netherlands Bar (Monarch Tower, Prinses Beatrixlaan 5, 2595 AK Den Haag, telephone +31-70-3353535,  He is registered on the specific areas of Labour Law, Finance Law, Enterprise Law and Contract Law.  He is also practising in other areas as a general practitioner, except for criminal law, immigration law and divorces.
Lawfirm RHJ Koopmans recommends wholeheartedly.